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keyman insurance definition: Keyman Insurance: Definition & Benefits of Key Person Policy Complete Guide


Thus, such IRDA circular cannot be adversely viewed in case of the assessee as when the assessee has taken the policy under Keyman Insurance Scheme from two reputed insurance companies there was no such regulation. Thus, even if a Keyman insurance has been taken in the name of a partner by the partnership firm, then also the deduction has to be allowed on the payment of premium. Insofar as the assessee is concerned, it has bought a life insurance policy, under Keyman Insurance Policy on which premium has been paid.


This is because it is treated as `profit in lieu of salary’ in the hands of the employee. Sole proprietor and partner of an organization would not be considered as an employee, and hence, any policy bought on their lives would not be a keyman policy. Man or Women employees of the organization are eligible to avail the keyman insurance.

Key Man Insurance: What Every Business Needs to Know

The policy is essentially useful, particularly for family businesses that are highly dependent on a few people. In any organisation, outputs are directly dependent on the quality performances of the employees and their vision. A keyman employee is a person whose vision aligns with that of the company’s goals. His contributions are valuable and most important, without which the very purpose of the organisation will fail.


Insurance has many extensive usages and benefits than just serving the purpose. Insurance is one of the significant as well as critical aspects that everyone should know and understand. So Keyman Insurance should be opted by all business houses for efficient risk management. Ashok Private Limited was a software development company and they hired Manish and Ajay on very high salary and sent them to USA for a specialized training on Artificial Intelligence.

Insurance Worth of a Keyman :

When a Policy Owner insures his own life, it is presumed that there is an unlimited insurable interest. If you are planning to avail a Home Loan, then it is crucial for you to understand under what conditions your bank is sanctioning the loan. You must understand each and every term written on the loan agreement or else you will end up choosing a lender who charges high interest or with tough terms and conditions.

Keyman insurance can be defined as an insurance policy where the proposer is a company, the premium is paid by the company, the claim also goes to the company, but the insured is an employee. This employee discharges significant responsibilities, contributes immensely to the company’s profits and is therefore crucial to the working of the business. The purpose of keyman insurance is to enable the company to recoup the financial loss from the event of the keyman’s untimely death. It is to make security against the disastrous event such as the policy holder’s premature death. Since the company may face occupational or any kind of vital monetary loss due to the sudden death of such treasured personnel.

  • These compensate for the losses sustained arising from a specific financial event that is not related to life.
  • The organization can claim income tax benefits by showing the premium paid as a business expense.
  • The various funds offered under this contract are the names of the funds and do not in any way indicate the quality of these funds, their future prospects and returns.
  • This facility to decide the keyman in the organization for keyman insurance is a boon to the organizations as well as the family businesses.

Knowing the rising cost of healthcare and the number of diseases you can have, it is wise to have a financial cushion against health contingencies. Insurance is a community solution as several people, who are exposed to the same risk, pool their funds together to bear the loss. For example, you met with an accident on your way to the office in your car and the car suffers damage. However, the insurer will not reimburse normal wear and tear like a headlamp stopped working.

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The keyman insurance definition Insurance Products do not offer any liquidity during the first five years of the contract. The policyholder will not be able to surrender/withdraw the monies invested in Unit linked Insurance Products completely or partially till the end of the fifth year. 2.Guaranteed Benefits – Provided all premiums have been paid as and when due and the policy is in-force. Such insurance plans will help you stay afloat even after a costly mishap or calamity.

insurance contract

The limit rises to Rs 50,000 if the insured are senior citizens. A motor insurance is mandatory for those who own a vehicle in India. It is compulsory to avail of a third-party liability motor insurance. However, you can have a comprehensive package – personal accident cover that offers coverage against the risks of damage.

Corporate insurance provides you with absolute lawsuit protection due to incorrect decisions proved unintentional or negligent on the part of the management or employees. Overall, purchasing key man insurance provides businesses with an opportunity to safeguard themselves financially and prepare for difficult circumstances ahead of time. In addition, having key man insurance may also provide much-needed peace of mind for the business owners who are typically responsible for covering such expenses out-of-pocket should something happen to a vital team member.

Insurance policies like ULIPs give you investment opportunities and help you fulfil your essential financial goals. This is the financial consideration which makes the insurance agreement a legally binding contract. Save taxes with ClearTax by investing in tax saving mutual funds online. Our experts suggest the best funds and you can get high returns by investing directly or through SIP.

As a party to the insurance contract, you should always try to avoid, mitigate and minimize the losses. CAs, experts and businesses can get GST ready with ClearTax GST software & certification course. Our GST Software helps CAs, tax experts & business to manage returns & invoices in an easy manner.

So, in case there is a death of an employee that takes place during the tenure of the policy, the death benefit will go to the employer. The employer, on its part, compensates the family of the employee so that they can manage their burdens accordingly. Like individual and family insurance policies, plans are also available for businesses and groups to cover employees and their needs. And so, it becomes the responsibility of the organization to protect them from unforeseen events. There are many insurance plans that allow employers or businesses to cover their employees under the right plan against untimely deaths or unfortunate incidents. All they need is to research well and buy the best plan to suit the requirements of the organization and their employees.

The literal meaning of insurance would be an assurance against unforeseen and unfortunate loss. This means, that if you encounter a less than normal event in your normal course of life, and happen to incur a financial loss because of it, you can be compensated. ClearTax offers taxation & financial solutions to individuals, businesses, organizations & chartered accountants in India. ClearTax serves 1.5+ Million happy customers, 20000+ CAs & tax experts & 10000+ businesses across India.

The person whose life is proposed to be insured in the application for life insurance and who becomes the legal owner of the policy, after it is issued. However, it may obtain D&O Insurance which is not covered by the insurance. The policy can be used as exgratia payment or superannuation benefit to the key employee during the service period. If the original insurance policy is lost, a duplicate insurance copy can be obtained from the insurance company online. Now-a-days the insurance company is sending the policy copy on the registered email of the customer which can be downloaded and used anywhere. No, only term insurance plans are allowed to be bought under Keyman insurance.


With this in mind, business owners must understand exactly how Key Man Insurance works and its implications for them before making any decisions about whether or not such a policy is necessary for their particular situation. This is a method of charging premium whereby, the premium paid for each year would provide insurance coverage for that particular year. This is also known as the Single Premium basis under Group Policies. This is a benefit by which certain amounts are added each year to the basic sum assured and are payable at the time of, on admittance of a claim. These amounts are calculated at a rate per every thousand of sum assured and are valid only for each year for which premiums are paid. Businesses which want to buy a Keyman insurance policy would have to approach an insurance company and propose for insurance.

The company can also raise loans on the policy from LIC at 12 per cent per annum. Should be an on-roll or contract employee of the organization. Employees and vendors would be assured about buoyancy of business. If you are facing any issue related to Keyman Insurance Policy, you must reach Insurance Samadhan who has experts team to guide you. We shall be pleased to support your case on technical and legal grounds. Partnership Firms can have Partnership Insurance on all partners.

Is Your Employer-Provided Life Insurance Coverage Enough? – Investopedia

Is Your Employer-Provided Life Insurance Coverage Enough?.

Posted: Sat, 25 Mar 2017 05:05:49 GMT [source]

Thus here is the keyman insurance policy originates into play and helps you out in your need. The main motto of the keyman insurance policy India is to give its policy holder great coverage to the life of Key men for a pecuniary value. So in case of such premature death of the Keyman or keymen, the loss to the company or business is recovered. In addition, there are also universal life insurance policies that allow flexible premiums and provide additional benefits such as paying out dividends on investments made through the plan.

The employee, then, nominates an individual to receive the policy benefits in case of his/her death. In this case, the death benefit is paid to the employee’s nominee. This is in case the company decides to endorse the policy to the keyman. This can be done only after a surrender value has been attained, which usually takes 2-3 years .

One can get such life insurance for all their staffs with group life cover. Thus one can provide some monetary safety to all their both the employee and the employees’ families. Keyman insurance policy is generally not delivered if a business’s income or revenue is decreasing day by day, or if the business is facing a high rate of loss continuously. The first employer or the first company in which the employer used to work earlier can stop paying the payments and thus allow the policy holder to lapse the policy if he or she wants. At the time of taking a policy, policyholder should ensure that all questions in the proposal form are correctly answered. Any misrepresentation, non-disclosure or fraud in any document leading to the acceptance of the risk would render the insurance contract null and void.

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